CBS News reported on January 9, 2016 that some Iowa GOP voters would rather Hilary Clinton won than Donald Trump

“The idea of Donald Trump as president so repulses some Iowa Republicans that they would rather see Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton take the White House than vote for Trump. That's according to the latest focus group led by GOP strategist Frank Luntz, conducted in Des Moines less than a month before the Iowa caucuses.”

According to the article, over 25% of a focus group disliked Trump more than Secretary Clinton.

“One man cited Trump's ever-shifting political principles as a reason for his aversion to the candidate.”

Cited as reasons for disliking Trump were his “isolationist” tendencies, his connection with the Clintons in previous years and the negative face he is putting on the GOP.  “There were even questions about whether Trump truly wanted to be president or if he was just in the race for the attention.”

"They're so afraid of what he would do as president that they're willing to see her elected president."

Also noted was that in a Fox News poll recently published, nearly a third of probably Iowa caucus goers said they could never get behind Trump.

Not sure if it matters, Iowa rarely gets it right.  In 2012 Iowa picked Santorum and in 2008 picked Huckabee.


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